Phone Greeting Message & Music
Phone Greeting Message & Music
Professionally recorded Voicemail, Out of Hours Messages, Music & Messages On-Hold!
Professionally recorded Voicemail, Out of Hours Messages, Music & Messages On-Hold!
Telecoms Audio –
Professionally recorded
‘On-Hold’ Messages
First impressions count! Therefore utilise a professional phone greeting message to ensure you convey a professional impression on your callers.
With a professionally recorded phone greeting message, your customers will be greeted and presented with a friendly and engaging voice to guide them to the appropriate department.
You may be considering a ‘Music on Hold’ production, but by implementing the same professional voice and sound theme from the outset, your entire telecoms system will contain the same theme, sound and voice throughout, leaving your callers with a sense of consistency and sound branding throughout their call.

On Hold Marketing, IVR Phone Greeting Message, Professional Voicemail Message
the complete telecoms audio solution!
On Hold Marketing, IVR Phone Greeting Message, Professional Voicemail Message
the complete telecoms audio solution!

Phone Greeting Message –
On Hold Marketing
Telecoms Audio solutions to meet your budget. Our On-Hold Marketing packages allow you to choose either a ‘one off’ production with a lifetime licence, or a managed service with regular updates for a monthly fee. Let’s face it, no business stands still. So keep your production up to date and engaging, ensuring your making the most of this valuable marketing opportunity.
Multiple sites can be managed remotely with updates being sent securely to your system over the internet. Our music production team work tirelessly, ensuring our music is fresh and relevant. Best of all, our music is licenced under a ‘direct licence’ agreement, meaning you won’t require a ‘PRS’ or ‘PPL’ licence.
Multiple sites can be managed remotely with updates being sent securely to your system over the internet. Our music production team work tirelessly, ensuring our music is fresh and relevant. Best of all, our music is licenced under a ‘direct licence’ agreement, meaning you won’t require a ‘PRS’ or ‘PPL’ licence.
Phone Greeting Message –
Professional Voice Prompts to greet your customers, On Hold Marketing production to entertain and promote your products whilst they hold…….. Out of Hours recording to inform customers while your closed! And remember, even when your business is closed, you can still convey a message.
Our production team and professional Voice Artists will create a consistent audio theme to greet your customers throughout their call experience.